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חלון זיגוג קבוע וחלון הטיה וחלון מרתף

Товары с тэгом 'חלון זיגוג קבוע וחלון הטיה וחלון מרתף'

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Fixed Glazing Window and Tilt Window and 2–3 Compartment Cellar Window, Size : WxH: 95 x 75 cm DIN right

€152,84 / 656,69 ₪
Size : WxH: 95 x 75 cm DIN right.
Basement window with 58 mm depth - 4-chamber system.
Double heat glazing - Ug=1.1 W/m2K - 32 mm (4/24/4).
Areas of application – cellar windows, garage windows, adjacent rooms, windows for living space.
Window position - closed, open, tiltable.