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Товары с тэгом 'CO2'

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Grohe Blue Home starter set CO2 bottles 425 gr (4 pieces) 40422000

€114,94 / 493,85 ₪
CO2 bottles for enriching drinking water of the highest purity (99.9% by volume CO2) from the Grohe Blue Home kitchen faucet.
Contents per bottle: 425 grams of CO2 from natural sources deep inside the earth.
Suitable for approx. 60 liters of sparkling water with a pleasant, natural taste.
Quick assembly thanks to a simple screw cap.

Tetra CO2 Plus 250 ml

€9,91 / 42,58 ₪
Organic release of CO2 for up to one week.
Aquarium plants develop stronger and healthier.
Powerful plant growth is the best algae prevention.