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Miele FA A 452 L set of 3x aqua fragrance bottles tumble dryer accessories

€37,85 / 162,63 ₪
For a fresh fragrance experience that lasts up to 4 weeks.
Wonderfully fragrant laundry – without any fabric softener.
Individually adjustable scent intensity at any time.
Specially developed for Miele by perfumers in Provence.
For all Miele T1 dryers with FragranceDos.

Miele Original Accessories DryFresh Fragrance Bottle 12.5 ml for 50 Dryer Cycles with Freshplex

€16,39 / 70,42 ₪
Freshplex neutralises unpleasant odours.
DryFresh freshens dry laundry in the "ventilation" programme.
The fragrance bottle ensures wonderfully fragrant laundry – without fabric softener.
Box contents: 12.5 ml.