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Товары с тэгом '519818'

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BLANCO Divon II 5 S-IF stainless steel sink right 519818

€549,19 / 2359,65 ₪
 BLANCO Divon II 5 S-IF stainless steel sink right 519818 Stainless steel, satin finish High culinary culture • Sink perfect shape with sexy overall picture • Perfect geometry and safe appearance • Rinse with an elegant 10 mm rounding • Large volume sink and fully usable area below • The product Meets the requirements for almost all variants of design The sink can not produce any additional holes. When using detergent dispenser instead of the eccentric must be replaced by a pop-up drain screen with manual control. Supplied with drain with space-saving tube, 3 1 "valve, pop-up drain. Illustration